"Bless" Mary Benedire Lim. She/her. Nursing AU. 09/02/2005.

More Info About Bless!

Date: 08/18/2021

Mood: Happy!

Author & Rules

AUTHOR. the author goes by the pen name #LUCKY and ( πŸ€.π–₯”Β°Λ–β€’ ) in tag. #LUCKY goes by the pronouns she/her and is (still) a minor born on the 22nd of September.

BYF_ if the muse or author made you uncomfortable in any way, please don't hesitate to educate them or approach them anytime through direct message!

DFI_ basic dfi criteria, stan/personal account, heavy nsfw/lewd account, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, problematic.

NOTE. if you followed me first but i am somewhat part of your dnf/i list, please do not take it seriously or badly if i soft-block you. thank you! ^^.

DISCLAIMER. Due to 𝕏 (formerly twitter)’s new policy, I would like to state that this account is not affiliated with any of the artists mentioned or used for portrayal.

Date: 08/18/2022

Mood: Passionate ۢৎ



Full Name: Mary Benedire Lim.

Birth Name: μž„μ˜ˆλΌ Im Ye-ra

Nicknames: Bless, Bless Marie

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Pronouns: She/her

Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic

Citizenship: Korean-Italian, Part Filipino

Birthplace: Florence, Italy

Birth Date: August 18, 2005

Languages Spoken:Eng/Fil/ν•œ/Ita/Bis/Fre

Civil Status: Single

Height is 160 cm (5’3), Weighs 44 kg (97 lbs), Hair: Slightly Wavy Brunette,has Hazel Eyes, Complexion: Fair, Build: Ectomorph, Clothing Style is Minimalist/Soft. || Myers-Briggs Type:ISFJ-T, Moral Alignment:Lawful Good, Enneagram: Type 6 - The Loyalist, Temparament: Sanguine, Archetype: The Innocent/The Child, Love Language/s: All/Physical Touch, Favorite colors:Yellow, Pink, White.

Date: 08/18/2023

Mood: Reminiscent ও

Character Headcanons

βŒ— Bless's favorite cartoon and comfort show is Spongebob Squarepants..

βŒ— Bless’s favorite musical artist is *Mitski* and listens to them on a daily basis (especially when reading books).

βŒ— Bless’s family members all call her β€˜Bless’, in reference to her original name picked by her Filipino father β€œBless Marie”. (Her korean name β€˜Yera’ is also the equivalent of Virgin Mary, and "Benedire" is actually the Italian translation of "Bless".).

βŒ— Bless’s role model and favorite artist (painter) is Vincent Van Gogh and seeks *Almond Blossoms* whenever she feels any negative emotions.

βŒ— Bless has three pets; a golden retriever named Mato, a scottish fold named Mako, and a scottish straight named Moka.

Mary Benedire Lim is inspired by: Beth March from Little Women (2019), Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice (2005), and Dana Tressler from Flipped (2010).

Date: 08/18/2024

Mood: Grateful β™‘

Lovelists and Pre-ests

Empty. Send a Direct Message to Bless's Main Account to create a Pre-Established Relationship with her! ^^ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

My furbabies: Maxji Tobi β€œMato” Jang πŸΆβ™‚οΈ, Mako Juni Jang πŸ˜Ίβ™‚οΈ, Mori Karo β€œMoka” Jang πŸ˜Ίβ™€οΈ.

LIKES. singing, romance movies and novels, strawberries, mikey madison, mincho, ice cream, reading, writing, bread, hershey's kisses, hugs.

DISLIKES. olives, baguio beans!!, cockroaches, dishonesty, cherry lip balm, lizards, frogs, spiders, anything cherry and coconut flavored.
